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- Designing the setting:
- Imagine you are on an adventure trip. Your task is to discover “hidden treasures” or overcome “challenges”.
- Step 1: Define mission:
- Plan your route : It can be a walk in nature, a run through the neighborhood or a lap in the park.
- Set yourself a goal , e.g.: “I find three things, that I have never consciously noticed before ” (such as a special flower, an architectural detail or an unusual sound).
- Step 2: Build in challenges:
- Add small movement tasks :
- For every bird you see , do five squats.
- Every time you spot a red flower, take five large steps backwards.
- Find a stone and balance on it for five seconds.
- Add small movement tasks :
- Step 3: Build in rewards:
- Reward yourself as soon as you complete your mission, e.g. with a small snack, a break in a nice place or a motivating playlist, that you listen to afterwards.
- Step 4: Reflection:
- At the end of the exercise, think about: What did you enjoy about the exercise? What new things did you discover?